Thermofoil Swatches and Textures for Amazing Interior Design Effects.

Here’s a variety of the most popular wood grains, colors, textures and surface choices we’re recommending for your next project. Perfect for residential, commercial and healthcare applications, we are the #1 top quality healthcare grade thermofoil supplier.

Thermofoil Swatches and Textures for Amazing Interior Design Effects

By |October 25th, 2019|Blog, Paintable PVC, Products, Swatches & Style Guides, Thermofoil|

Featured Swatches and Textures Here's a variety of the most popular wood grains, colors, textures and surface choices we're recommending for your next project. Perfect for residential, commercial and healthcare applications, we are the #1 top quality healthcare grade thermofoil supplier. To ensure you get the best product as measured by European standards, simply specify [...]